A while back I wrote about the SpikeTV Video Games Awards, already hinting at the expected high standard of this video games industry respected night of pats on the back.
Since then the show has aired, the special guest artists have gone back to their bling, the boobies have been covered up, and analysis has been offered.
I'll only add the comment that how pleased I am to see an "awards show" like this gets such limelight and attention in the mainstream media.
The industry even has its own awards show. Held in Santa Monica on Tuesday, the second annual Video Game Awards showered kudos on "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas." The title, the latest in a controversial series set amid a background of crime, won game of the year and best male performer for actor Samuel L. Jackson, who did the voice-over for one of its characters.
Because if there's one way to break the misguided view that all gamers are sex-obsessed homocidal morons with a large grudge and an even larger gun, it's to show everyone via the "industry's own" awards show that gamers are sex-obsessed homocidal morons who can put aside the gun for 2 hours and have an orgy congratulate one another.
And in case you were wondering, COH won the multiplayer award. Now, if you'll excuse me. My penis tells me I need to go buy a new video game.
But, but, but, we are a bunch of over sexed, violence craving, morons, really we are.
We aren't a bunch of nerds who have nothing better to do on Fridays than sit indoors and play video games, damnit!
Posted by: D-0ne | December 16, 2004 at 03:40 PM
COH beat who?
Posted by: slage | December 16, 2004 at 11:03 PM
SWG? Sims Online? Bag of Broken Glass Online?
Posted by: =j | December 17, 2004 at 07:47 AM
Show was a sham, WoW was not there.
Posted by: slage | December 17, 2004 at 12:54 PM
COH beat out EQ2 and FX11. As you can see, a very big field with the notable omissions of WoW and Lineage 2.
Posted by: Cosmik | December 19, 2004 at 01:56 PM