In further studies it has been discovered that Cosmik's Law of Internet Fanboyism can be taken to extremes, causing subjects to go ga-ga over a different MMO as opposed to the one being pumped into their veins.
Where do I sign up?
The video was very cool. I loved the vertical movement with the character climbing the cliff with the mobs waiting below ready to devour him if he falls(is that a possibility?), the character on the flying carpet was in the desert fit right in with Arabian Nights theme. The armor detail on the horse I thought was very good and actually having to mount your horse rather than it just appearing underneath you is nice.
The dark elf was able to attack with a bow while mounted....I really like the idea of incorporating mounted combat.
Each clip was just a peek into Telon but it definitely has me hooked.
To which Brad "No, no, my Fiery Avenger is more unique" McQuaid replied:
Guys, please make sure you're not confusing the last two EQ 2 movies with the rest which are of Vangaurd.
Ooh, Brad. Sounds like you've got more of that "Proving Vanguard has something new to offer and is not just another DikuMud clone" work cut out for you. Maybe this guy could help you with your lackluster class list - by telling those who find it boring to shut the fuck up.
K Brad - let's can all the developers and the designers, and just focus on building CG movies to appease folks on the boards. <<not>>
Pardon the rant folks - but GET OVER IT ... if you like Lineage2's movie - then go play that (hmmm ... I notice most of you are still here, and the two that left will be back soon). How bout y'all quit second guessing every little thing and focus on the game?
As the guy who wrote the check for the video, I can probably pick more holes in it than any of you - but - it served it's purpose. It was supposed to be a 30 second video to fit within the reel of all the other game videos that we produced for E3. It wasn't meant to attract a broad audience, etc - it was meant as an attract loop for people who were on the E3 show floor and already in or near our booth.
Do y'all realize how demotivating it is for the team, most of whom read these boards on a daily basis, to constantly hear second guessing about completely random crap like nit-picking the video? ... or how we're failing to build broad consumer buzz - when we're not even at Beta1 yet?
The Sigil and MS teams are working their collective @sses off on what we think will be a truly breakthrough game - and while no one wants these boards to devolve to fan-boi central ... it'd be nice to have them at least stay a bit more focussed on the game itself - rather than a diatribe on whether we should have spend 6 months worth of full production budget on a video. Let's see ... cut Qalia and all of diplomacy from the game and have a Square quality movie ... or do what we did? You decide.
<<Rant off - and heading back to the game design boards.>>
Abashi, is that you?
((Links courtesy of Pitfalls because I'm still working on my omnipresence))
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